Biografia / Biography
Artistas / Artists

João Enxuto e Erica Love

A obra destes artistas centra-se na abordagem da tecnopolítica do trabalho, instituições e economias ligadas à Arte Contemporânea. Enxuto tem um MFA em Fotografia pela RISD e Love é bacharel pela Brown University em Economia e Artes Visuais e tem ainda um MFA pela UCLA. Juntos, foram bolseiros do Programa de Estudos Independentes do Whitney Museum, receberam duas bolsas, respetivamente, da New York Foundation for the Arts Artist Fellowship e da Creative Capital da Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers. Regularmente apresentam palestras e já expuseram as suas obras no Whitney Museum of Art, New Museum, Antology Film Archives, Carriage Trade, Walker Art Centre, Centre Pompidou, Edith-Russ-Haus, Louisiana Museum na Dinamarca, Museo Tamayo e outros locais internacionais. Os textos de Enxuto e Love foram publicados pela Verso Books, Sternberg Press, Mousse Magazine, Art in America, Walker Artist Op-Eds, Wired Magazine, X-TRA Contemporary Art Quarterly, entre outros. Atualmente, leccionam na Cooper Union, New York University, City College New York, The New Centre for Research and Practice e Maumaus em Lisboa.

João Enxuto and Erica Love. Work on projects about the technopolitics of work, institutions, and economies connected to Contemporary Art. Enxuto received an MFA in Photography from RISD and Love holds BAs from Brown University in Economics and Visual Arts and an MFA from UCLA. Together they were fellows at the Whitney Museum Independent Study Program and were awarded a New York Foundation for the Arts Artist Fellowship and a Creative Capital Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant. They have given talks and exhibited work at the Whitney Museum of Art, New Museum, Anthology Film Archives, Carriage Trade, Walker Art Center, Centre Pompidou, Edith-Russ-Haus, Louisiana Museum in Denmark, Museo Tamayo, and other venues worldwide. Enxuto and Love’s writing has been published by Verso Books, Sternberg Press, Mousse Magazine, Art in America, Walker Artist Op-Eds, Wired Magazine, X-TRA Contemporary Art Quarterly, and elsewhere. They currently teach at the Cooper Union, New York University, City College New York, The New Centre for Research and Practice, and the Maumaus in Lisbon.