A transdisciplinary artist with a mathematical background, based in Vienna. Her works have been exhibited in numerous national and international shows, such as Kunstraum Niederoesterreich, Künstlerhaus and Krinzinger Projekte Vienna, as well as Kunstverein Hamburg-Harburg and Contemporary Basel. Her works are part of the Collection Wien Museum Vienna, the Artothek des Bundes of the Republik of Austria and the mumok Library Vienna. In 2019 Darja received the Start Grant for Visual Arts of the Austrian Federal Chancellery and in 2020 the Working Grant of the Austrian Federal Ministery of Education, Science and Research. In her works she examines the structures of social phenomena and individual experiences in an analytical way. The aim is to recognize principles and patterns in the diversity of singular events and thus to find an order in one‘s life and environment. The continuous recordings and notations take place in artist books, from which elements are translated into performative actions, space-based installations and sonic compositions.