An object means both abstraction and extension. Distance and proximity. An object is a world. A poetics.

An object that displays no spatiotemporal properties but which we suppose does exist is an abstract being—or one that subsists, just like in medieval Scholasticism.

The object. What must be examined: philosophy, psychology, logic, art, politics, economics.What must be disturbed: hegemony, authority, boundaries, intention.To force the impossible. Deleuze and Guattari—abstraction and schizophrenia.

Objects summoned by the psychiatric and penal machines. Borderline. Repression. Perversion. Disorder. Psychosis. Neurosis. Hysteria. Infraction. Burnout. Compulsion. Flaw. Obsession. Abnormal. Deviation. Guilt and Truth.

The object. The muse-less museum. Administration-bound. No disquiet. A curiosity-less cabinet. Objects concealed by the mechanics of power. What sort of objects does the law bring forth? The administrative machine and its indispensable power effects: "… using the mediocre, useless, imbecilic, superficial, ridiculous, worn-out, poor, and powerless functionary. 

The administrative grotesque has not been merely that kind of visionary perception of administration that we find in Balzac, Dostoyevsky, Courteline, or Kafka. The administrative grotesque is a real possibility for the bureaucracy."1

The object means both transition and passage. Composition and decomposition. Event. Form, void, action, word, copy, model, simulacrum. Abyss. Infinite combination. A clash. An encounter: "It's very difficult to choose an object, because, at the end of fifteen days, you begin to like it or to hate it."

The object as fiction. The real. Lacan and speculative realism. D'avance. [B. B.] Borges and Beckett. The subject and the object. The egg and the chicken. Schrödinger's thought experiment. The cat that is simultaneously dead and alive. Insurrection: "If Greek philosophy does not want to admit this relationship between word and thing, speech and thought, the reason no doubt is that thought had to protect itself against the intimate relationship between word and thing in which the speaker lives. The dominion of this 'most speakable of all languages' (Nietzsche) over thought was so great that the chief concern of philosophy was to free itself from it."
3 The critique of the fairness of words—interpreting Cratylus. Objects: (I) language as a collective mistake (II) oblivion.

S "How real existence is to be studied or discovered is, I suspect, beyond you and me. But we may admit so much, it is not from the names but, above all, from the things, that we must learn and develop research on them or their names.”4

1 Michel Foucault, Abnormal. Lectures at the College de France 1974–1975. London, New York: Verso Books, 2003, p. 12.
2 Marcel Duchamp, in Pierre Cabanne, Dialogues with Marcel Duchamp. London: Da Capo Press, 1979, p. 43.
3 Hans-George Gadamer, Truth and Method. London, New York: Continuum, 2006, p. 417.
4 Platão - Crátilo. Tradução de Celso Vieira a partir do texto grego. p. 65.